IMPORTANT: COVID-19 Update (2/5/20)
To all our loyal customers, visitors and friends:
It should come as no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected many of our lives in some way or another. We wanted to give you a quick update on how we at SDG Clothing are adjusting to some changes.
We have previously advised that some of our products in our Michigan-based factories are temporarily unavailable. We had been advised that they would reopen in late April, but unfortunately this has not been the case. If you are waiting on a replacement from these affected products (you would have been advised if this was the case), please contact us at and we can arrange for a refund or a different product if required.
We have also seen slight delays in both production & shipping times. For production, we are thankful that we have sourced multiple factories which can still produce our items and can do it safely while continuing to safely social distance. The downside is that these measures have delayed production slightly, but fortunately only around 2 - 3 days.
The difficulty is with shipping, which is completely outside of our control. We have seen cases where the postal services would hold the product in their warehouses for up to a week before dispatching them. This delay affects both a national and the local level, and it's unfortunately nothing that we can do. We ask that you be patient during these times and also to contact your local post office if you do notice that the shipment appears "stuck" from your tracking number.
We have also introduced new 7-layer sublimated face masks to our store with our popular designs added. While these do not act as substitutes to medical devices and approved Personal Protective Equipment ("PPE"), the usage of cloth face coverings have been recommended by the CDC:
We expect the production times to fluctuate as demand will be higher, so we do ask that you be patient especially when ordering these items. We will also be donating a portion of the proceeds from these to 2 groups: healthcare and research facilities which are combating COVID-19 and a local ministry to help further gospel efforts amidst this time. We plan to use a rotation-basis so each month different organizations can receive some financial assistance.
These are uncertain times, but we can find comfort that we serve a certain God. We trust in His sovereignty and will, and that through all of this He will be glorified.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at if you have any concerns.
God bless,
SDG Clothing Team